Map – 2008 Pres. Election Results by CD

I created a map showing the results for the 2008 Presidential Election by Congressional District. It also shows the contrast to the party that won the congressional race in that district.

I uploaded it to Wikipedia, let me know if I need to make any changes.

Thanks and enjoy!

26 thoughts on “Map – 2008 Pres. Election Results by CD”

  1. I see that you got Georgia and Texas right, which is something that other maps seem to struggle with (though no one else has done this map yet, as far as I know).

  2. I’m having trouble making sense of it correctly because I’m thinking first in terms of House representation and then in terms of presidential vote.

    So having an all-red Utah “looks wrong” to me.

    I suspect most people will think the other way, so that it “makes sense” that Utah is a red state with one D-held district, for example.

  3. You’re amazing; I dunno how to slog through some of the more population-dense areas unless I were to find an extremely-high-res PNG.

  4. Great work!

    But I like those maps where the shape/area of the states is distorted so that they correspond with their EVs.

    Much more blue then…

  5. a cartogram of congressional districts that’s blank and available for one to color in? (That’s a map that’s intentionally distorted so that every unit, i.e. every CD, is the same size, but in the right place and as close as possible to the right shape.) I’ve seen them generated at the county level, but not for CDs as far as I can remember.

  6. Not a complaint about your map in particular, but whoever drew the original template that you used screwed up the boundaries of New York’s 26th and 27th districts severely.

    Practically every map at wikipedia has this mistake, one of the few exceptions is

    Unfortunately the map I just linked to is riddled with errors as to which districts should be blue or red, but it’s district boundaries are correct.

  7. This is spectacular!  What a huge amount of effort must have been involved.  MANY thanks!

  8. It’s interesting to note all that light red in the South. Some of these are recent pickups, so it’s good that we are still able to win there at the Congressional level.

    We’re running out of pickup opportunities in the Northeast, because we already won so many of them. The next wave of pickup opportunities are in Southern California.

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